Using bathroom is an inseparable part of all people's lives all over the world. Although the abundance of toilets and bathroom is not the same all over the world, but it can be said with courage that many people have access to bathroom. Presently, if we know that there are facts and unspoken truths about this significant issue, which is a kind of necessity, it will definitely be interesting and strange for us. The experts of Shahrazin Production Company explain some of these strange secrets to you that they have been provided through conducting research and investigation;
1. In Afghanistan, the number of TVs is more than the number of toilets. It is interesting to say that, 90% of Afghans have a TV, while only 7% use a siphon!
2. Do you know that every time that you use siphon, about 26 liters of water is poured?
3. You can effortlessly find the cleanest public toilet if you consider that the first one in a row has been the least used.
4. The World Toilet Organization was established on November 19, 2001, and was named World Toilet Day.
5. Be cautious, unpleasant events happen in W.C. Every year, 40,000 Americans are hurt in toilets.
6. No one can avoid his/her natural need. We go to the toilet about 2,500 times yearly or more.
7. It is believed that Arthur Ghiblin invents the first siphon.
8. According to data collected by the World Toilet Organization, 1 billion people in the world defecate in the open spaces!!
9. Research determines that as much your smartphone features are higher and more, you will spend a long time in the toilet.
10. Toilet paper was invented in the sixth century in China.
11. The Chinese have also constructed public toilets for dogs.
12. Germs/Microbes can move up to 6 feet forward from a siphon. Every time you flush the toilet, germs breathe in and can cause infection. Accordingly, leave the place quickly after washing the toilet.
13. In principle, the toilet means the act of "washing, dressing, and preparing the person." And it is a French word.
14. You may be astonished to hear this news; approximately 20% of people do not wash their hands after using the toilet! and only 30% apply soap among the people who wash their hands!
15. More than 7 million people in the United States declared that they have thrown their cell phones in the toilet bowl. Could this be a valid reason not to take your cell phone to the toilet?
16- It is astonishing that bathroom is the subject of 70% of English couples' disputes!!
17. On average, a baby makes his/her diaper dirty 10,000 times before he/she can learn to go to the toilet!
18. On average, a kitchen cutting board has 200% more bacteria compared to a toilet seat!
19. Cell phones have 18 times more bacteria compared to toilet handles.
20. If you do not urinate, you may be at risk for kidney and bladder disease. Consequently, do not control urine only because public toilets are not clean!
21. It is advised to wash your hands for about 15-20 seconds to kill germs. Notwithstanding, only 5% of people spend more than 15 seconds to wash their hands.
22. The urea, this key substance in your urine, cause to remove and kill bacteria and fungi.
23. NASA lately invested $ 23.44 million in a mechanical toilet project that could be used at international stations.
24- Sitting in a chair for a long time can lead to hemorrhoids.
25. The first underground sewerage was built in Rome by the Etruscans.
26. If you want to view the most precious toilet in the world, you should probably visit the space! There is a sequence worth $ 19 million on the space station.
27. The first perfumes for the toilet were pomegranate with cloves.
28. The oldest public toilet in the world is about 240 million years old!
29. According to the NIH, about four million Americans suffer from constipation.
30. Scott was the first company to supply roll paper toilet paper in 1890.
The experts of Shahrazin Golchin Production Company are ready for any advice regarding the preparation, purchase, and installation of all kinds of Iranian/Eastern and flush/Western toilet bowls made of stainless steel; 09121268315 -02188657790